Regardless of climate, economy, covid, recession or any other obstacle life throws at us every single business across the world needs people to manage and grow them.
Which brings me to my next point, if you purchase pretty much any product or service it generally comes with some form of guarantee period. If you think about the length of those guarantee periods you will find they vary depending on the quality of the product or the quality of service.
Generally the better the product or the service the longer the guarantee period. When we introduce a candidate to a client at Recruitment Evangelists we believe in that person more than any product on the market. We look past the title and salary package and offer a full year guarantee period for every candidate and every client we represent. We understand things happen in life and business and some people leave their jobs prematurely though we also believe in good value for money, long term relationships and peace of mind fo you.
This is one of the cornerstones our company was founded on and we are fully committed to making this a life long promise and help give you the confidence to hire the best people for your business.
Graham Townley, Founder & Chief Evangelist